Prof. Bernhard Winking

Bernhard Winking first graduated from the University of Muenster in Structural Engineering after completing a mason's apprenticeship. He worked in the office of Professor Gerhard Graubner in Aachen and Hannover for the period of three years, followed by his studies in Architecture at Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste in Hamburg, where Godber Nissen and Werner Hebebrand should become his mentors. Bernhard Winking received the Fritz-Schumacher-Foerderpreis for his thesis project. In 1965 he established the architectural partnership Patschan Winking, from 1968 Patschan Werner Winking, and became part of the academic teaching staff at the Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste in Hamburg in the same year. After a substitute Professorship for Godber Nissen he held the chair for structural development from 1978 to 2003. During the years from 1972 to 1988 Bernhard Winking operated as member of the board of the Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) in Hamburg. His appointment to the Deutsche Akademie für Staedtebau und Landesplanung followed in 1982. The foundation of Professor Bernhard Winking Architekten BDA followed in 1993, with offices in both Hamburg and Berlin. He established his partnership with Martin Froh in 1997. Due to his long working experience in China, Bernhard Winking was appointed visiting professor to the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou in 2004. Between 1998 und 2013 he developed planning concepts for Transylvania with focus on Cluj along with conducting six summer schools in Romania. From 2010 to 2019 Bernhard Winking had been a member of the local panel for urbanism and architecture of the city of Wuerzburg. In the year 2016 the city of Hamburg honoured him with the Fritz-Schumacher-Prize for his lifetime achievement. Among his more than 120 realized buildings in Germany and abroad, for Bernhard Winking his buildings in Wulfen, along the Hamburg Fleetachse and on the former Spiegel-Insel in Hamburg represent the core of his work. Besides his built oevre, numerous awards, prizes and his work as competition judge make him one of the leading architects in Germany.